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Horizontal boring augers drill under sidewalks, foundations and more using your heavy duty electric drill.

horizontal auger boring for heavy duty drills

Horizontal auger boring is easier and faster than ever using your heavy duty 1/2'' right angle drill to power through hard ground, clay or gravelly soil. Simply attach one or more sections of our auger bit to your drill and begin drilling in low speed. What used to take hours to dig by hand is now done in minutes.

Becky bores through clay with auger attached to Dewalt right angle drill

Auger bits are available in 3.25 inch diameter for electricians and cable installers, 4.75 inch diameter for plumbers installing schedule 40 PVC pipe, or the larger 5.75 inch diameter. Choose from five foot, seven foot or ten foot lengths. Custom lengths are also available upon request.

You can learn more here or by watching the YouTube video below.